We are happy to announce that we are now offering Children's Liturgy of the Word at both Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Good Council!
What is Children's Liturgy of the Word? "Children's Liturgy of the Word for Children" is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to the young parishioners in attendance at Mass. Youth will then participate in an age-appropriate reflection on the Word that is shared by the leader through stories, discussions, or pictures. Following this, the children will profess a simple Act of Faith, and pray the Prayers of Intercession.
When will Children's Liturgy of the Word take place? The presider will invite children forward to be dismissed following the opening prayer during Mass. Children will then proceed to the church basement (at IC) to participate in the Children's Liturgy of the Word, and then they will return following the Prayers of the Faithful.
What is required of a Leader? We are using the Children Celebrate! curriculum, so there is no hard "lesson planning" involved, just sharing your faith, reading the Word, and helping the young people understand and develop their faith. Occassionally, a few simple pictures or props are needed for demonstrations during the lessons.
The curriculum comes with a leader's guide to make each week's liturgy easy to break into concepts that are understandable for young minds.
We are excited to begin offering this ministry to the Children of our parishes! Contact Maylissa Wells or Joyce Galvin to find out more, or if you are interested in volunteering! You can sign up to help lead or assist in the Children's Liturgy using the link below! Use the tabs at the bottom of the page to select either IC or OLGC parish to sign up to lead or assist for a weekend.